Cervical stenosis can be a difficult clinical condition to treat effectively, and treatment may be followed by recurrences. Thirty-seven (37) women with this clinical diagnosis were evaluated and treated in our service over the last 5 years. Fifteen (15) women (43.2%) had previous cervical surgery such as conization, loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP), or cervical laser vaporization and 11 had a history of diethylstilbestrol (DES) exposure. After treatment, 28 (75.5%) of these women obtained relief while in 24.5% no changes occurred. Four women (14.2%) had recurrence. Based on our experience, sequential progressive cervical dilatation under sonographic or laparoscopic control seems to add safety and effectiveness in the treatment of this condition. For those patients who develop recurrences, laser removal of a cervical central cylinder of tissue seems to provide the best results. Avoiding excessive trauma to the cervix with any surgical procedure should be paramount in decreasing chances of causing cervical stenosis, particularly in susceptible patients such as nulliparous and DES-exposed women. (J GYNECOL SURG 18:129)