The use of high and extra-high frequency (EHF) fields in engineering has led to demands to design a various protective/shielding screens. As there are not the publications on protective screens manufactured on the basis of cast amorphous microwires, we will be limited of the analysis of an opportunity of application of these materials. The radio absorption properties of these cast amorphous microwire (produced by Ulitovsky-Taylor method) appear around the frequency of natural ferromagnetic resonance, in the range of 1-12 GHz ( see in [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] ). In that range, dispersion is observed in the real and imaginary components of relative magnetic permeability:The characteristic parameter is the skin-effect penetration depth 6 ( 6 is a skin layer depth). In the high frequency (HF) band [ 9 ] for fo-I10 GHz, c) = 2irfowhere (,u1uo )e is the effective magnetic permeability, c-is the microwire electrical conductivity, d5 is a skin layer depth in non magnetic microwire (S5 -10:5 gm for 1-10 GHz). The resonance permeability /u1(Co) is proportional to 10÷102, and a decreases three times when frequency increases to resonance (from 1 GHz to 10 GHz). Now we know experimental data on absorption of electromagnetic waves only in case [1] r>8 ,where r~3 10 gm is the radius of amorphous metal core of microwire . The existence of natural ferromagnetic resonance in the cast amorphous microwire in the frequency of range of order -I 12 GHz has opened up the possibility of developing of radio absorbing screens.The substantial increase in the absorption can be attributed to the imaginary part of the complex magnetic permeability which is given by p(o)=p'(co)+i ,`(w) or magnetic viscosity proportional to u" (w). (The magnetic viscosity is determined by 13' which depends quasi-linearly in nature on , (c)). For the imaginary part of magnetic permeability we considerwhere Q2 is frequency of natural ferromagnetic resonance, y is absorption factor (g°i s static magnetic permeability).We obtain where F > IQ-cj The absorption function of microwire is proportional to ,up' (co).