The aim of the study was to assess the accuracy of some specific biochemical indicators in discriminating between Helicobacter pylori-associated gastritis and H. pylori-associated stomach cancer (serum gastrin level, serum soluble E-cadherin and tissue COX-2 activity, as well as serodiagnostic markers for H. pylori infection) in order to find a simple diagnostic test that can reasonably predict the development of gastric cancer. The study participants comprised 20 patients with gastric carcinoma, 20 patients with positive H. pyloriassociated gastritis and 20 individuals as the control group. Standard procedures and quality control measures were followed. Using cut-off values and ROC analysis to assess the diagnostic abilities of the biochemical indicators, E-cadherin showed the highest sensitivity (100%). We suggest that close follow-up together with periodic endoscopic examination for all patients with persistent H. pylori infection and serum soluble E-cadherin level above 5 µg/mL is essential. Après l'utilisation de valeurs seuils et d'une analyse de la fonction d'efficacité du récepteur pour évaluer les qualités diagnostiques des indicateurs biologiques, la E-cadhérine a montré la sensibilité la plus élevée (100 %). Nous suggérons qu'un suivi attentif et un examen endoscopique régulier sont essentiels pour tous les patients atteints d'une infection à H. pylori persistante et présentant une concentration sérique de la E-cadhérine soluble supérieure à 5 µg/ml.