Water electrolysis using a catholyte and anolyte at different pH values requires a bipolar membrane to sustain the pH difference and 1.23 V to electrolyze water. Bipolar membranes that separated concentrated aqueous acid and base exhibited an open-circuit potential consistent with the Nernst equation and rapid transport of protons and hydroxide ions. When excess supporting electrolyte was added to both solutions the membrane potential was measured to be ∼0 V, which suggested that water electrolysis occurred at 1.23 V and therefore, protons and hydroxide ions were not the majority ionic charge carriers. Monopolar ion-exchange membranes attenuate mixing of fuel species while bipolar ion-exchange membranes (BPMs) also attenuate mixing of ions. BPMs consist of a cation-exchange layer (CEL) and an anion-exchange layer (AEL), and sustain pH differences across the membrane even during the passage of large reverse-bias currents, where electric-field-enhanced water dissociation generates the majority of mobile ions ( Figure 1). 1 Each proton or hydroxide ion that migrates from (to) the CEL/AEL interfacial region is consumed (replenished) by proton-coupled-electron-transfer reactions at the electrodes. Differences in pH are useful for electrochemical technologies that incorporate materials that are inherently unstable in a single pH electrolyte. 2 Unlü, Zhou, and Kohl reported use of a BPM in a polymerelectrolyte-membrane H 2 /O 2 fuel cell. 3 The overall thermodynamic potential for water formation (i.e. H 2 oxidation and O 2 reduction; 1.23 V) remained the same as when a monopolar ion-exchange membrane was used. Mallouk and colleagues and Freund, Lewis, and colleagues independently demonstrated that this behavior also occurred when liquid electrolytes were used. 4,5 They showed that BPMs wetted by aqueous acidic electrolyte on the CEL side and alkaline electrolyte on the AEL side supported and maintained pH differences across the membrane. In general, their reported theories and results were similar to those ofÜnlü, Zhou, and Kohl; however, use of a liquid electrolyte allowed the potential difference across the membrane to be measured selectively using four-electrode electrochemical techniques, 6 which are analogous to solid-state four-point-probe methods. 7 The open-circuit (resting) potential measured across the membrane (E BPM ) when wetted by 1 M acid and base and using two saturated calomel electrodes (SCEs) was reported to be E BPM_SCE ≈ 0.8 V, 5 which is consistent with the value of 0.83 V calculated using a Nernst-like equation, where E ws is the potential for water electrolysis. Several studies have characterized BPMs wetted by aqueous acid on the CEL side and base on the AEL side; 4,5,8,9 however, no studies have reported electrochemical behavior when additional supporting electrolyte was present. These experimental conditions are important because supporting electrolyte is likely necessary in solar fuels devices that utilize two different, but non-extreme, pH conditions where the ionic strength is low. Data un...