Evidence for the existence of two phenotypes of piglets born to experimental herds was obtained based on the susceptibility of intestinal brush borders to adhesion of K99-positive Escherichia cofi. The enterocytes of the K99-receptive piglets displayed a characteristic sialoglycolipid pattern, with a higher content of the monosialoglycolipids I13NeuGc-LacCer (GM~Gc), IV3NeuGc-nLcOse4Cer (SPGGc) and IV3NeuAc-nLcOse4Cer (SPG) and the oligosialogangliosides IV3NeuAc,I13NeuAc-GgOse,Cer (GDla), I13(NeuAc),-GgOse,Cer (GD2), I13(NeuAc)z-GgOse4Cer (GD1 b) and IV3NeuAc,I13(NeuAc)2-GgOse4Cer (GTlb) when compared to the gangliosides of non-receptive piglets. The gangliosides from enterocytes of the non-receptive piglets were mainly the monosialogangliosides 113 NeuAc-GgOse,Cer (GM2) and I13NeuAc-LacCer (GM3), only traces of the other sialoglycolipids being detected. Adhesion of 4C-labelled K99-positive E. cofi cells to the piglet small intestinal sialoglycolipids, as tested by the thin-layer chromatogram overlay assay, revealed that the receptive enterocyte membrane was richer in glycolipids containing K99 receptor structures than the non-receptive enterocyte.Adhesion of K99-positive E. cofi correlated with the degree of sialylation of the brush border glycolipids.