ABSTRACT:The natural abundant two-dimensional exchange 13 C NMR revealed the very close proximity between the carboxyl carbon of PMAA and carbonyl carbon of PVAc in the miscible PMAA/PVAc = 3/1 blend. The estimated distance between the CO carbons is approximately 0.37 nm. This close distance is induced by a strong hydrogen bond between the hydrogen of carboxyl group for PMAA and the oxygen of carbonyl group for PVAc. The molecular mechanics (MM) calculation reveals that the distance of the hydrogen bond between the hydrogen of the carboxyl group and the oxygen of the carbonyl group is approximately 0.2 nm by fixing the intermolecular (inter-polymer) C-C distance between the CO carbons to be 0.37 nm. This value is reasonable for the very strong hydrogen bonding interaction. This interaction makes the 13 C chemical shift value of PVAc carbonyl carbon peak toward lower field by 4 ppm and that of PMAA carboxyl carbon peak to change toward upper field by 4 ppm. The MM calculation also showed that the distance between the backbone carbons of PMAA and PVAc is less than 1 nm. This very cross proximity for the interacted region is important to create the homogenous PMAA/PVAc blends on a scale of 2-5 nm.KEY WORDS Hydrogen Bond / Polymer Blends / CPMAS 13 C NMR / Two-Dimensional Exchange 13 C NMR / Poly(methacrylic acid) / Poly(vinyl acetate) /In the previous study, 1 I showed that the excellent miscibility on a scale of 2-5 nm of the poly(metha-blends is achieved by the specific intermolecular hydrogen bonding interaction at the unit molar ratio of 3:2 = [MAA]: [VAc] between the PMAA and PVAc: here, the word of ''intermolecular'' refers to ''interpolymer'' between PMAA and PVAc, while ''intramolecular'' means the inside of PMAA or PVAc, respectively. It has been also found that the amount of the intermolecular 3:2 = [MAA]: [VAc] interaction is needed over 30 % to be a miscible blend on a scale of 2-5 nm. The PMAA-rich/PVAc blends have the interacted portion over 30 %, resulting that it shows the excellent miscibility on the 2-5 nm scale. On the other hand, the miscibility of the PMAA/PVAc-rich blends is not established on the 2-5 nm scale because the blends have the portion less than 25 % only.
1The intermolecular hydrogen bonding is strong as the chemical shift of PVAc-CO carbon move toward the lower field by 4 ppm: the bulk PVAc-CO carbon resonate at 171 ppm and the interacted CO carbon at 175 ppm. Furthermore, the interacted PMAA-COOH carbon is appeared at the upper field by 4 ppm (179 ppm) relative to the chemical shift value of the bulk PMAA-COOH carbon at 183 ppm; because the strength of intermolecular hydrogen bonding interaction is weaker than that of intramolecular PMAA, the peak of the intermolecular interacted PMAA-COOH carbon shifts toward the upper field not but the lower field: the similar chemical shift change is observed in a PMAA/PEO complex 3 and explained by the difference of the strength between the intermolecular and intramolecular hydrogen bonding. These shifts of the individual peaks produce the c...