We demonstrate that the expression of extensively modified and secreted heterologous proteins synthesized in the baculovirus expresslon vector system (BEVS) depends on the temporal nature of the promoter transcribing the foreign gene. TheB subunit of the human chorionic gonadotropin, an extensively modified secretory glycoprotein hormone was expressed under the transcriptiona control of the AcNPV baste protein gene promoter (MP) and the polyhedrin gene promoter (POL), respectively. MP, activated late in the infection cycle, is a weaker promoter when compared to the stronger very late POL promoter. Levels of secretion, immunoreactivity and bioactivity of recombinant proteins, /3hCGso, and /?hCG,, synthesized under control of the MP and POL promoter were compared. Secretion ofbhCG,, was relatively higher. Enzymatic analysis revealed that the synthesized protein was sialylated. Receptor binding assays and testosterone stimulation assays in a mouse Leydig cell system demonstrated that on a umt protein basis, j?hCGhfp was btologically more active than j3hCGroL.