Positron lifetime (PL) study of several reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steels is presented. VVER-440 type Cr±Mo±V, VVER-1000 type Cr±Mo±Ni±V and A533-B RPV steels were included in the investigation. It was found that positrons annihilate from delocalized state or trapped at dislocations (lifetime % 150 ps) in all specimens. In the case of Cr±Mo±V and Cr±Mo±Ni±V RPV steels a small fraction of positrons may be trapped at misfit defects at the vanadium carbide±matrix interface. The conventional trapping model (CTM) failed in the interpretation of measured PL spectra due to the strongly non-uniform spatial distribution of dislocations in the samples. Therefore, the modified trapping model (MTM) was developed in the present work. Contrary to the CTM, the MTM takes into account the non-uniform distribution of dislocations and it provides a self-consistent interpretation of measured PL spectra. The specific trapping rate n D 0:36 Â 10 À4 m 2 s À1 was determined by comparison of the mean dislocation density obtained from PL spectra using the MTM and that measured by TEM. The component arising from positrons trapped at screw dislocations and the component coming from positrons trapped at edge ones were separated in the PL spectra. This approach allowed us to obtain a measure of fraction of screw and edge dislocations in the samples.
J. C Ï iÂz Ïek et al.a As: 0.008 wt%, Co: 0.009 wt%. b Solute Al: 0.012 wt%.