Metode penelitian berbasis desain penelitian pendidikan digunakan dalam pengembangan panduan konseling sinema berkelompok untuk menangani isu kekerasan emosional pada remaja dalam pengasuhan. Tahapan dari metode penelitian ini terdiri atas analisis dan ekplorasi, desain dan konstruksi, serta evaluasi dan refleksi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pemberian instrumen pada siswa usia 12 -15 tahun dan melibatkan proses wawancara dengan guru BK serta siswa yang memperoleh skor tertinggi di SMP Negeri 40 Jakarta. Hasil penyebaran instrumen terhadap 200 responden, menunjukkan hasil sebanyak 169 remaja mengalami paparan tindakan kekerasan emosional kategori sedang dengan presentase sebesar 84,5% dan sebanyak 31 remaja berada kategori tinggi dengan presentase 15,5 %. Pengujian panduan (alpha testing) dengan ahli media memperoleh presentase sebesar 91% dengan kriteria sangat layak. Pengujian ahli materi memperoleh presentase sebesar 91,3 dengan perolehan kriteria sangat layak. Pengujian keefektifan atau keterbacaan (uji pilot) panduan terhadap dua guru BK tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama negeri memperoleh presentase sebesar 83% dan 97% dengan kriteria sangat layak . Selanjutnya, pengujian keterbacaan (pilot testing) terhadap dua guru BK tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama swasta, memperoleh penilaian berturut –turut sebesar, 96,3% dan 99,4% dengan kriteria sangat layak. Berdasarkan rangkaian pengujian tersebut, panduan mengenai konseling sinema berkelompok untuk menangani remaja yang mengalami tindakan kekerasan emosional, dinyatakan sangat layak digunakan sebagai media bagi guru BK.
Kata Kunci: konseling sinema, panduan konseling,kekerasan emosional, konseling kelompok.
The educational design-based research was implemented as a research method to develop a guidebook about group cinema counseling to deal with the issue of emotional violence that affected adolescents in parenting. The stages of this research method consist of analysis and exploration, design and construction, and evaluation and reflection. The data collection method carried off by giving the instruments of child abuse scale to students on age level 12-15 years and an interview process with the school counselor and students that received the highest score based on the child abuse scale at SMP Negeri 40 Jakarta. The results of the distribution of the instrument to 200 respondents showed that 169 adolescents experienced exposure to acts of emotional violence in the moderate category with a percentage of 84.5%. Thus, 31 adolescents were in the high categories with a number percentage of 15.5%. The Alpha testing of this guidebook using media expert appraisals, obtain a score of 91% and accomplish very feasible as the criteria. Thus, the material expert appraisals on the guidebook have obtained a percentage of 91.3% and declared it as very viable. Testing the guidebook based on the effectiveness of readability (pilot test) for two school counselors at the state junior high school level obtained a percentage of 83% and 97% with very decent as the criteria, respectively. Furthermore, the readability test (pilot test) on two school counselors in private junior high schools obtained an appraisal of 96.3% and 99.4%, respectively, with very decent criteria. Based on the series of tests, the guidebook on group cinema counseling to deal with adolescents who have experienced acts of emotional violence in parenting was declared very suitable to be implemented as a medium for school counselors.