Fusion additive technologies have pushed the boundaries beyond what was previously envisaged in the metal community. Championed by laser-based and electron beam technologies, metal additive manufacturing has captivated the interests of aerospace, defence, energy, automotive, and medical sectors. Though game-changing, these fusion-based techniques suffer from solidification related issues which play a critical role in applications where high premium is placed on materials' performance. Furthermore, only limited number of alloys can be built due to complexities associated with melting. To address these drawbacks, parallel work on solid state technologies was initiated in the last decade. An outcome of these efforts has been the development of additive manufacturing technologies based on friction which has now reached a stage where compilation is possible. In this article, fundamental principle and features of these friction-based additive technologies are reviewed with special emphasis on their individual advantages and differences between them. In addition, further scope, challenges and potential of these technologies are highlighted.Keywords: fusion additive technologies; metal additive manufacturing; solid state; friction-based additive manufacturing; FBAM; material performance. After undergraduate studies, he joined the Center for Friction Stir Processing and works with Dr. Rajiv Mishra. His research interests include additive manufacturing, physical metallurgy of Al and Mg alloys, alloy design using Calphad approach and field effects on microstructure. In the field of additive manufacturing, he has the first few publications on friction stir additive manufacturing and has also published on fusion additive manufacturing linking site dependent properties to microstructure.