Considered the issues of environmental protection with the simultaneous use for the neutralization and disposal of urban waste containing substances of organic origin, due to solar energy and atmospheric precipitation. At present, in the Russian Federation, waste makes up 90–98% of all extracted natural resources, that is, the industry works mainly for the production of waste. Already 8 billion m3 of industrial and municipal waste has accumulated. Landfills are 50–90% full on average across the country. The volume of waste from livestock enterprises and poultry farms in the form of manure, droppings and sewage is about 700 million m3 per year, and more than 2 million hectares of land are occupied for storing this waste. Therefore, it is planned until 2020–2025 to introduce a complete ban on the storage of municipal solid waste at more than 200 landfills and dumps, where they have accumulated 31 billion tons