This paper presents a parametric experimental study which investigates the potential use of buckwheat husk wastes (as an aggregate in concrete) and opoka combination for producing a lightweight composite. The study was carried out to investigate the influence of the buckwheat husk extract on the setting and hardening of pastes in which cement was partially replaced by 0, 33, or 50 % of natural pozzolana. The kinetics of hydration up to 48 h was studied using isothermal conduction calorimetry. Some of the physical and mechanical properties of buckwheat husk concrete with various levels of cement replacement of opoka without and with sand (part of buckwheat husk was replaced in the same volume of sand) were investigated. Experimental data on the compressive strength of concrete utilizing buckwheat husk with and without sand and cement at varying proportions are presented. The results suggest that buckwheat husk may be used as an aggregate, particularly in lightweight concrete, panel and blocks for walls at a relatively cheaper price.