The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of wheat-mesquite composite flour on the rheology of dough and the quality of bread. The farinographic analysis showed a decrease in the development time and stability of the dough with an increase in the mixing tolerance index. The share of mesquite flour increased the value of loss and storage moduli and reduced the dough’s susceptibility to stress. The mesquite flour addition increased the bread volume by about 17% and the number of large pores >5 mm. The brightness of the crumb containing mesquite flour decreased from 75.3 to 58.6 and the proportion of yellow colour increased from 19.9 to 26.4 in relation to the control bread. The bread with mesquite flour had a significantly softer crumb during storage in comparison with wheat bread, indicating a reduction in the staling. These observations were also confirmed by lowering the disintegration enthalpy of the retrograded amylopectin from 3.33 J/g for the control sample to 1.95 J/g for the bread containing 10% of mesquite flour.