Ext e n d in g re s e a rch fro m Wo jd yn s ki a n d Eva n s ( 2 0 1 6 ) , t h is e xp e rim e n t a l s t u d y re p lica t e s t h e ch a lle n g e s o f e ffe ct ive ly d is clo s in g n a t ive a d ve rt is in g t o re a d e rs a n d d e m o n s t ra t e s a p ro m is in g in o cu la t io n m e t h o d t h a t in cre a s e s like lih o o d o f re co g n it io n . Mo re o ve r, t h is q u a n t it a t ive re s e a rch in d ica t e s t h a t b o t h le g a cy a n d o n lin e n e ws p u b lis h e rs w e re e va lu a t e d le s s fa vo ra b ly fo r d is p la yin g n a t ive a d ve rt is in g . At t it u d e s t o wa rd t h e p u b lis h e r a n d p e rce p t io n s o f it s cre d ib ilit y d e clin e d fo r b o t h , a lt h o u g h o n lin e p u b lis h e rs s u ffe re d g re a t e r a t t it u d in a l d a m a g e t h a n d id le g a cy p u b lis h e rs wh o m a y b e n e fit fro m t h e ir e s t a b lis h e d re p u t a t io n . Extending research from Wojdynski and Evans, this experimental study replicates the challenges of effectively disclosing native advertising to readers and demonstrates a promising inoculation method that increases likelihood of recognition. Moreover, this quantitative research indicates that both legacy and online news publishers were evaluated less favorably for displaying native advertising. Attitudes toward the publisher and perceptions of its credibility declined for both, although online publishers suffered greater attitudinal damage than did legacy publishers who may benefit from their established reputation.
URLKEYWORDS framing; journalism; media effects; native advertising; persuasion; source credibility
Intr oductionAs advertising and subscriber revenues continue to plummet (Cillizza 2015; McChesney and Pickard 2011), legacy publishers are looking for ways to fund the costs of producing the content in their publications. With the technological revolution of digital media, a controversial practice is drawing increasing attention: the notion of "native advertising." Native advertising refers to the practice of creating ads that mimic, or appear "native" to, the platform on which they appear. These messages adopt the same format, font and tone as a traditional piece of journalism or user9generated post, often looking nearly identical to the content created by the platform publisher (Austin and Newman 2015;Conill 2016;Einstein 2016;Sonderman and Tran, 2013). The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) defines native advertising as "paid ads that are so cohesive with the page content, assimilated into the design, and consistent with the platform behavior that the viewer simply feels that they belong" (IAB 2013, 3). It is varyingly referred to with different types of disclosures such as sponsored content, branded content, or promoted content. This inconsistent labeling of native advertising complicates an audience member's ability to identify the type of content he or she is consuming (Austin and Newman 2015;Conill 2016;Einstein 2016;Sonderman and Tran, 2013; Wojdynski and Evans 2015)...