Salmonellosis is considered to be one of the most common food-borne illnesses in humans. Swine can be infected with a broad range of salmonella serotypes that can be source of infection of pork products. Salmonella reduction programs on pig farms can be achieved with serological monitoring. It is important to identify pig farms that carry a high percentage of infected animals, hence represent a bigger risk factor for introducing salmonella in the meat production chain. Proper measures should be introduced to reduce the salmonella contamination on infected farms. Between years 2012 and 2014, 16 small one-site pig farms participated in a study of seroprevalence of different pathogens, including Salmonella sp. During the research, 166 sera samples were tested for presence of antibodies against salmonella with ELISA Swine Salmonella Antibody Test Kit (IDEXX). Samples with OD % equal or greater than 20 % (S/P = 0.5) were classified as positive (more stringent screening). 21 % of breeding animals and 5.8 % of fatteners were serologicaly positive. Compared to previous studies, it is apparent that seroprevalence of salmonella on pig farms in Slovenia has not augmented (