The paper focuses first on the novelties introduced to foreign language learning by mall and mLearning, thus drawing an overview of recently published research into unique affordances they offer and implications they have for a new language learning methodology. Secondly, we discuss the framework for foreign language learning materials for 6 languages (English, Croatian, Italian, Romanian, Slovenian and Spanish) adapted to mobile devices, while also providing a description of the structure of the lsp modules for language for academic purposes, secretarial or administrative purposes, mobility and it language needs. The range and variety of modules represent the core feature of the LanGuide App, which is a result of intertwining expertise of foreign language teachers and researchers with it developers and researchers from 6 tertiary institutions in 5 e u countries (Slovenia, Croatian, Romania, Spain and Sweden) within the international consortium of the LanGuide Project.¹ The results of this enterprise lead to re-evaluation of some teaching approaches and suggest recommendations for teaching practitioners and materials developers engaging in mLearning.