Administrative, technical, or material support: Sobanko, Fischer, Etzkorn. Study supervision: Sobanko. Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None reported. REFERENCES 1. Davami B, Porkhamene G. Versatility of local fasciocutaneous flaps for coverage of soft tissue defects in upper extremity. J Hand Microsurg. 2011; 3(2):58-62. 2. Rahoma AH. Use of local sliding flaps to manage deep localized burns of the hand. J Hand Microsurg. 2011;3(2):45-50. 3. Germann G, Biedermann N, Levin SL. Intrinsic flaps in the hand. Clin Plast Surg. 2011;38(4): 729-738. 4. Bidic SM, Hatef DA, Rohrich RJ. Dorsal hand anatomy relevant to volumetric rejuvenation. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010;126(1):163-168. 5. Vuppalapati G, Oberlin C, Balakrishnan G. "Distally based dorsal hand flaps": clinical experience, cadaveric studies and an update. Br J Plast Surg. 2004;57(7):653-667.6. Yang D, Morris SF. Vascular basis of dorsal digital and metacarpal skin flaps. J Hand Surg Am. 2001;26 (1):142-146. 7. Quaba AA, Davison PM. The distally-based dorsal hand flap. Br J Plast Surg. 1990;43(1):28-39. 8. Bailey SH, Andry D, Saint-Cyr M. The dorsal metacarpal artery perforator flap: a case report utilizing a Quaba flap harvested from a previously skin-grafted area for dorsal 5th digit coverage. Hand (N Y). 2010;5(3):322-325. 9. Omokawa S, Tanaka Y, Ryu J, Kish VL. The anatomical basis for reverse first to fifth dorsal metacarpal arterial flaps. J Hand Surg Br. 2005;30 (1):40-44.
NOTABLE NOTESTechnology continues to revolutionize the practice of dermatology, and the past decades have seen a paradigm shift in the way dermatologists practice medicine and surgery, deliver care to patients, and keep abreast of developments in our field. Google Glass (Google Inc) is a recently developed, first-in-class wearable computer that includes an optical display, camera, microphone, bone-conduction speaker, touchpad, gyroscope, and accelerometer. I have used the Google Glass device in the context of general and surgical dermatology.Applications in the clinical dermatology setting include lesional and histopathological photography, telemedicine, education, research, and consultation. Live streaming may also be used for teledermatology consultations, although store-and-forward approaches are feasible as well. Applications in the surgical setting include perioperative photography, 1 documentation of Mohs stages, Mohs specimen orientation, patient education regarding tumor and defect size and location, and reconstructive options.An advantage of this technology is the ability to activate the device in a hands-free fashion. In the surgical setting, this permits the dermatologist to record video or still photographs while maintaining a sterile field, and in the clinical setting, it permits recording photographs without the intrusion of using a camera, as photographs may be taken with a wink of the right eye.Live streaming of procedures may be used for medical and surgical education for medical students, residents, fellows, and colleagues, as well as for patient education. The dermato...