N-alkanes have been used as internal markers in digestibility trials with ruminants and non-ruminants for more than 20 years. In this study, two trials were conducted under different feeding regimes to (i) evaluate the release rate of n-alkanes of controlled-release capsules in the rumen of rumen-cannulated steers either grazing or restrained in metabolic stalls and (ii) estimate voluntary forage intake of the same steers in metabolic stalls. Six rumen-cannulated Nelore steers were allocated to individual metabolic stalls and were fed diets with varying forage to concentrate ratios (80:20, 60:40, and 40:60; respectively). Corn silage was the only forage source. In the grazing trial, the same steers were evaluated under three feeding managements (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu unsupplemented or supplemented with either 0.3% or 0.6% of live weight of a concentrate). The release rate of the nalkanes (mg d ).There was an effect of day of measurement (P < 0.05) on the release rate of animals restrained in metabolic stalls and grazing. However, no effect (P > 0.05) of feeding management or feeding management × day of measurement interaction was observed. Values averaged 6.9 and 14.8%, lower than proposed by the manufacturer for the C 32 , when animals were restrained in metabolic stalls and at grazing, respectively. Similarly, the values of C 36 were 15.9 and 23.1% lower for those animals in metabolic stalls and grazing, respectively. The average release rate of C 32 into the rumen was 372 and 341 mg d -1 for animals restrained in metabolic stalls and grazing, respectively. There was no difference in the release rate between feeding regimes (P > 0.05). The regression of the pooled data indicated an average release rate of 345 mg d -1. Estimated values of voluntary forage intake using the pair of C 33 :C 32 n-alkanes using the animals restrained in metabolic stalls was not different from those effectively measured (P > 0.05). These findings indicated that n-alkanes capsules can be used to estimate forage intake of stall-fed animals, but concentration of n-alkanes in capsules and the release rate has to be measured before dosing animals to accurately predict intake. Key words: bovine, fecal recovery, hydrocarbons, markers, dry matter intake
N-ALCANOS PARA ESTIMAR O CONSUMO VOLUNTÁRIO DE FORRAGEM EM BOVINOS USANDO CÁPSULAS DE LIBERAÇÃO CONTROLADARESUMO: N-alcanos têm sido usados como marcadores internos em ensaios de digestibilidade com ruminantes e não-ruminantes por mais de 20 anos. Neste estudo dois ensaios foram conduzidos para avaliar: 1) a taxa de liberação de alcanos de cápsulas de liberação controlada inseridas no rúmen de novilhos fistulados em pastejo ou mantidos em gaiolas de metabolismo e; 2) o uso de n-alcanos para estimar o consumo voluntário de forragem dos novilhos mantidos em gaiolas de metabolismo. Seis novilhos Nelore, fistulados no rúmen foram colocados individualmente em gaiolas de metabolismo e alimentados com dietas variando a relação forragem:concentrado ( ). Houve um efeito de dia (P...