The synthesis of cyclodextrin-based O-a-manno, O-bgalactopyranoside and O-b-galactofuranoside clusters, having seven sugar residues attached to the core, through ethylene, ethylenoxyethylene and ethylene-(dioxyethylene)-ethylene spacer arms is described. The synthesis involves the glycosylation of the oxyethylene arm and the attachment of the O-glycosides onto the heptakis(6-deoxy-6-iodo)-b-cyclodextrin derivative by means of nucleophilic displacement reaction using cesium carbonate in dimethylformamide.Cyclodextrins (CDs) are cyclomalto-oligosaccharides containing six (a-CD), seven (b-CD) and eight (g-CD)Downloaded by: East Carolina University. Copyrighted material.A. García-Barrientos et al.