Complexes of o , o '-substituted azo compounds are used for the voltammetric (VA) determination of Al(III) [1][2][3], Ga and In(III) [3], U(IV) [4], Zr(IV) [5,6], rareearth metals(III) [7][8][9][10][11], etc. In the majority of cases, an additional peak that corresponds to the reduction of a complex appears in the voltammograms. This allows several metals to be determined using the same reagent when complexes differing in stability are formed. It was shown that In(III) and rare-earth metals(III) could be simultaneously and rapidly determined by voltammetry using Eriochrome Red B (ERB) [12]. However, the electrode process of complex reduction has not been studied comprehensively. In this work, we studied the electrochemical behavior of the indium(III)-ERB complex by polarography with a linear sweep of the polarizing potential.
EXPERIMENTALThe experiments were carried out using a digital voltammetric setup combined with a personal computer [13] and a three-electrode cell, whose temperature was maintained with a thermostat. A slowly dropping mercury electrode (DME), a saturated calomel electrode, and a platinum electrode served as the indicator, reference, and auxiliary electrodes, respectively. The characteristics of the capillary were as follows: m = 5.34 × 10 -4 g/s and τ c = 14.5 s in a 0.2 M NH 4 Cl solution with the circuit open. The dissolved oxygen was removed by purging purified argon. The pH of the solutions was controlled by an MV 870 DIGITAL-pH-MESS-GERÄT pH-meter. The required pH value was adjusted by HCl, NaOH, and acetate-ammonia buffer solutions. Spectrophotometric studies were carried out using a SPEKOL-11 instrument in cells with l = 1.0 cm. A 1 × 10 -2 M stock solution of indium(III) was prepared by dissolving a sample of the metal of 99.99% purity in the mixture of conc. HCl and HNO 3 of analytical grade [4]. A 1 × 10 -3 M ERB stock solution was prepared by dissolving the reagent in twice-distilled water and standardized according to [14].
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe reduction of ERB at a DME was described in [10]. When a solution of indium(III) chloride was added to an ERB solution at pH 6.5-12.0, the yellow color of the solution changed to orange. An insignificant bathochromic shift of the adsorption band by 10-30 nm (depending on the pH of the solution) and a decrease in absorbance were observed in the electronic spectrum of the indium(III)-ERB complex with respect to the same parameters of the reagent spectrum. Such insignificant changes in the absorption spectra prevent the application of spectrophotometry to the studies of complexes.At pH 6.5-12.0, along with the reduction peaks of the dye ( P 1 and P 2 ), an additional cathodic peak ( P 3 ) appeared in the polarograms of ERB in the presence of indium(III) (Fig. 1). Indium(III) is not reduced under these conditions in the absence of ERB; therefore, peak P 3 corresponds to the reduction of the complex. Ammonia (pH 8.0-12.0), pyrophosphate (pH 8.0-12.0), and ARTICLES Abstract -The reduction of indium(III)-Eriochrome Red B complex is studied in...