DOI: 10.2307/1468281
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Use of periphyton assemblage data as an index of biotic integrity

Abstract: Periphyton assemblage data collected from 233 stream site-visits (49 in 1993, 56 in 1994, and 128 in 1995) throughout the Mid-Appalachian region were used to develop a periphyton index of biotic integrity (PIBI) based on 1) algal genera richness; 2) the relative abundances of diatoms, Cyanobacteria, dominant diatom genus, acidophilic diatoms, eutraphentic diatoms, and motile diatoms; 3) chlorophyll and biomass (ash-free dry mass) standing crops; and 4) alkaline phosphatase activity. Thirty-seven diatom gener… Show more

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Cited by 260 publications
(220 citation statements)
References 55 publications
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“…Biodiversity indices, evenness, abundance of dominant species and chlorophyll a of benthic algae are widely used as bioindicators. Hill assumed that concentration of chlorophyll a, biomass and abundance of dominant species of epilithic algae decreased as environmental stress increased (Hill et al, 2000). In our research, however, values of these indices of sites located in Guanmenshan Natural Reserve were as low as those located in severely polluted area of Gaolan River, evenness, richness, and biodiversity of epilithic algae also showed similar tendency.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 39%
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“…Biodiversity indices, evenness, abundance of dominant species and chlorophyll a of benthic algae are widely used as bioindicators. Hill assumed that concentration of chlorophyll a, biomass and abundance of dominant species of epilithic algae decreased as environmental stress increased (Hill et al, 2000). In our research, however, values of these indices of sites located in Guanmenshan Natural Reserve were as low as those located in severely polluted area of Gaolan River, evenness, richness, and biodiversity of epilithic algae also showed similar tendency.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 39%
“…Generally, all these methods can be sorted into three approaches. The first approach is based on indicator species concept (Hill et al, 2000). Indices belonging to this approach include Diatom Assemblage Index (DAI) (Watanabe et al, 1986(Watanabe et al, , 1988, Pollution Sensitivity Index (PSI) , Generic Diatom Index (GDI), Trophic Diatom Index (TDI) , etc.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…The 1st approach is based on the indicator species concept (GUZKOWSKA and GASSE, 1990). The 2nd approach involves indices of community structure (diversity, evenness, richness, similarity) which have been used extensively in monitoring the impacts of point-source pollution on rivers (BARBOUR et al, 1999;HILL et al, 2000). Biotic indices represent the 3rd approach to using multimetric indices to assess water quality and river ecosystem integrity (KARR et al, 1986;KERANS and KARR, 1994).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Possui atributos importantes para bioindicação, tais como: ampla distribuição nos ecossistemas aquáticos; modo de vida séssil, ou seja, não migra em condições adversas; é geralmente rico em espécies, sendo um sistema rico de informações ecológicas; as espécies apresentam ciclos-de-vida curtos, de forma a responderem mais rapidamente às alterações ambientais quando comparadas a outros organismos, tais como invertebrados bentônicos ou macroalgas (Lowe & Pan 1996, McCormick & Stevenson 1998, Newman et al 2003. Mais recentemente, índices perifíticos multimétricos de integridade biótica que foram propostos para os Everglades, na Flórida (McCormick et al 2001), bem como para sistemas lóticos da região dos Apalaches (Hill et al 2000) vêm sendo utilizados para o diagnóstico de impacto ambiental e para estabelecer metas de recuperação dos ecossistemas.…”
Section: Introductionunclassified