In view of the widespread occurrence of phosphorus in molecules of biological interest and the importance of the phosphate moiety in bioen ergetics, in metabolic reactions, in regulation of enzyme activity, in nucleic acid interactions, and in membrane structure, it is not surprising that 31p NMR has been applied to investigations in all these areas, most extensively in the study of enzyme mechanisms (16), in metabolism of whole cells (50), and in intact tissue (9,19). Although the range of 31p chemical shifts of phosphate compounds as revealed in these NMR studies has proved adequate for many biological problems, the magni tudes of the chemical shifts are nevertheless rather insensitive to environ mental perturbations in spite of the high atomic number of 31p. One reason for this insensitivity arises from the insulation of the 31 P nucleus in phosphate compounds by the oxygens bonded to it; but in the last few years advantage has actually been taken of these oxygens by substitution of 160 in phosphate with either 180 or 170. The consequent effects on 31p NMR have extended its usefulness in studies of enzyme mechanism.Recent reviews (5,32,34,48,54) have covered some specific applications of the isotopic oxygen effects on 31p NMR. The current review attempts to summarize the types of mechanistic information regarding enzyme action that may be gleaned from such studies and discusses possible future directions.