ciclo teve duração de 336 dias, ocorrendo precipitação de 1.480 mm. O volume de água disponibilizado pelo sistema de irrigação por gotejamento foi de 400 mm, totalizando 1.880 mm. O segundo ciclo teve duração de 365 dias, cujo volume de água por meio de precipitação foi de 1.394 mm; somados aos 320 mm fornecidos pelo sistema de irrigação, totalizaram 1.714 mm. Ocorreu interação entre manejo e cultivar para as variáveis: produtividade de colmos (TCH) e produtividade de açúcar (TPH) em que a maior diferença foi observada para a cultivar SP80-3280. As cultivares apresentaram respostas diferenciadas na eficiência de utilização da água. No manejo irrigado por gotejamento houve elevação de 24% na produtividade de colmos e de 23% na produtividade de açúcar, em relação ao manejo de sequeiro.Palavras-chave: Saccharum spp., disponibilidade hídrica, irrigação, produção Productivity of three sugarcane cultivars under dry and drip irrigated management ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the effect of drip irrigation technology in different sugarcane varieties in two crop cycles (plant cane and ratoon). The experimental design was in completly randomized blocks, in split-plot with four replications, constituted by three sugarcane genotypes: RB867515; RB855536 and SP80-3280 and two crop management: drip irrigation system and rainfed system, totalizing six treatments. The first cycle lasted for 336 days, with rainfall of 1,480 mm. The volume of water provided by the system of drip irrigation was 400 mm, totaling 1,880 mm. The second cycle lasted for 365 days, the volume of water through rainfall was 1,394 mm, added to 320 mm provided by the system of irrigation, totaled 1,714 mm. Interaction between management and cultivars was found significant for the variables: productivity of stalks (TCH) and sugar yield (TPH), in which the largest difference was observed for cultivar SP80-3280. There was significant response to drip irrigation, on average the increase of production of stalks and sugar was 24 and 23%, respectively.