In this research, the Taguchi technique was applied to determine the optimum process parameters for the electrical discharge machining (EDM) of a titanium alloy with an added surfactant. The surfactant added to the dielectric fluid played an important role in the discharge gap, increasing the conductivity and suspending debris particles in the dielectric fluid, reducing abnormal discharge conditions of the machine and improving the overall machining efficiency. The performance characteristics were the material-removal rate (MRR) and the surface roughness (SR), which were experimentally explored for various input parameters such as the discharge current, the pulse-on time, the pulse-off time and the surfactant concentration in the dielectric fluid. The optimum setting of the parameters was verified through planned and conducted experiments and analysed using the Taguchi technique. Further, a multi-response optimisation was carried out, maximising the MRR and minimising the SR, using the Grey relational analysis (GRA). It was observed that the pulse-on time, the discharge current, the pulse-off time and the surfactant concentration contribute significantly to the multi-response optimisation. Conformation test results showed an improvement in the MRR by 20.69 % and in the SR by 11.09 %. A scanning-electron-microscope (SEM) analysis was conducted to study the recast layer that evolved during the electrical discharge machining process and the topography of surfaces was also observed. Keywords: surfactant, Ti-6Al-4V alloy, Grey-Taguchi method, material-removal rate, surface roughness, recast-layer thickness V~lanku je uporabljena Taguchi metoda za dolo~anje optimalnih parametrov procesa povr{insko aktivne elektroerozije (EDM) na titanovi zlitini. Povr{insko aktivne snovi, dodane dielektri~ni teko~ini, igrajo pomembno vlogo pri razelektritveni re`i, kar pove~a prevodnost in ustavi delce v dielektri~ni teko~ini, zmanj{a neobi~ajne razelektritve pri obdelavi in na splo{no pove~a u~inkovitost obdelave. Zna~ilnosti zmogljivosti sta hitrost odstranjevanja materiala (MRR) in hrapavost povr{ine (SR), ki sta bili eksperimentalno uporabljeni za razli~ne vhodne parametre, kot je: tok razelektritve, trajanje impulza, trajanje prekinitve in koncentracija povr{insko aktivne snovi v dielektri~ni teko~ini. Optimalna postavitev parametrov je bila preizku{ena z na~rtovanimi preizkusi in analizirana s Taguchi metodo. Izvr{ena je bila optimizacija z ve~odgovori, to je maksimiranje MRR in minimiziranje SR s pomo~jo uporabe Grey relacijske analize (GRA). Ugotovljeno je, da tok razelektritve, trajanje pulza,~as brez pulza in koncentracija povr{insko aktivne snovi, mo~no prispevajo k optimizaciji. Rezultati potrditvenih preizkusov so pokazali izbolj{anje MRR za 20,69 % in SR za 11,09 %. Z vrsti~nim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) je bila izvr{ena analiza (SEM) pretaljenega sloja, ki se je razvil med postopkom elektroerozije, opazovana pa je bila tudi topografija povr{ine. Klju~ne besede: povr{insko aktivne snovi, Ti-6Al-4V zlitina, Grey-Taguc...