“…The real options approach here is based on the works of Dixit and Pindyck, see, for example, Dixit and Pindyck (1994). Recent applications of real options theory to decision making in the nuclear power industry have included (1) Epaulard and Gallon (2001), which evaluated the European Pressurized-water Reactor (EPR) as a function of uncertainty in natural gas prices, (2) Takizawa, Omori, Suzuki, and Ono (2001), which examined the influence of uranium price uncertainty on the value of building a light water reactor in Japan, (3) Kiriyama and Suzuki (2004), which compared the value of light water reactors with renewables under uncertainty in the price of CO 2 emission rights in Japan, and (4) Gollier, Proult, Thais, and Walgenwitz (2004), which compared the value of a 1200 MW light-water reactor with four 300 MW modular reactors under electricity price uncertainty.…”