Nowadays there are several methodologies to incorporate quantitatively 4D seismic data in the history matching of reservoir simulation models. Most of them add a map attribute derived from 4D seismic, which can be impedance maps, saturations etc., in the objective function of the optimization process. In these cases, the goal is to match the dynamic information provided by 4D seismic with simulation response in the whole reservoir area, or the whole area covered by seismic data. In this work, it is proposed a history matching methodology that uses 4D seismic information locally for each injector (and the associated producers) individually, trying to match the water front movement related to each injector with the observed dynamic changes. In order to guarantee consistency with geology, the matching is done by combining static properties that comes from different simulation models. These models are generated through a combination of the most important uncertain parameters in an uncertainty analysis procedure, geologically consistent, that should be run previously. Then, the matching procedure is based on the computation of the water saturation errors at some sub-regions defined around the injector for multiple scenarios; the error is computed between water saturation derived from 4D seismic and each model simulation result. The models which presented the smallest error for each sub-region are selected and a new simulation model is built by combining the static properties extracted from the selected models at each sub-region. Before calculating the saturation errors the volume of water computed from 4D seismic is calibrated to the volume of injected water providing a more robust calibration. The methodology was applied to a synthetic case where porosity and permeability were the main uncertainties updated by the methodology proposed. Since these properties were generated through geostatistic realizations, the adjusted model kept the geological features. The promising results observed in the synthetic case showed that the methodology can be a good alternative for history matching, since it is an easy to implement procedure and it does not require sophisticated optimization algorithms to incorporate 4D seismic into the process.