Coating and Chemical laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.H E IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTIONS to T the analysis of coating materials as selected by the reviewers since the previous summary (137) are contained in this biennial review. The period covered extends from November 1962 through December 1964, although a few significant foreign publications, located by abstracts, may predate this ccverage. In this attempt to be selective, it is hoped that valuable publicat i m s have not been omitted. Other similar reviews were made within this pericd (102)(103)(104) 106) in addition to home studies of special subjects. The annual revieus of analytical methods for the examination of oils and fatty acids (81, 82) are very comprehensive.Firestone (56) reviewed available methods for analyzing polymerized fats and oils and James (51) prepared a comprehensive revieh of analytical procedures for separating naturally occurring fatty acids including cisand trans-isomers.The fifth edition of "Standard Methods for the Analysis of Oils, Fats and Soaps" (153) has been published and includes a number of physical and chemical test methods not found in the 10-year old fourth edition. Over one-half of the 122 pages of "Prog~ess in the Chemistry of Fats and Other Lipids" (52) are devoted to the applications of gas chromatography in this field.Boekenoogen (15) has edited the first volume of a work surveying the entire field of analysis of oils and fats.h review of the uses of gas liquid chromatography in the field of drying oils was prepared (40) while several reviews (53, 105,118) are concerned with application of gas chromatography to analysis and research in the field of coatings in general. Two new books on the subject of thin layer chromatography (14,113) include methods for separations of such coating materials as oils, fatty acids, plasticizers, and carboxylic acids. Rybicka (119) prepared a survey of thin layer chromatography with special reference to the problems of the paint analyst. A review t,hat also includes some original methods for the analysis of alkyd resins (115) was prepared in which the analyt,ical scheme was divided into physical tests and chemical tests.Two reviews (72, 127) of the analysis of synthetic resins in general were published; the one by Kupfer contains 227 references. Lucchesi (78) prepared a paper on the role of analytical tools in coating research, commenting mostly on the applications of nuclear magnetic resonance, gel permeation c hromatogral ihy , and attenuated total reflectance for surface analysis. Valentine (146) discussed the use of the electron microsope and the Coulter counter, as well as reflectance spectrophotometry for the study of paint films.The Office of Technical Services of the U. S. Department of Commerce prepared a selective bibliography (145) of its available reports on paints and varnishes, collected from 1945 through 1963; unfortunately, however, many available reports on the subject were omitted from the listing.
GENERAL ANALYTICAL SCHEMES13y far the greatest nuinber of contributions...