VESELÝ, Š., DOHNAL, M.: Decision making in goverment tenders: A formalized qualitative model. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 4, pp. 397-406 The paper presents a simple formalized qualitative model of government tenders (GTs). Qualitative models use just three values: Positive/Increasing, Zero/Constant and Negative/Decreasing. Such quantifi ers of trends are the least information intensive. Qualitative models can be useful, since GT evaluation o en includes such goals as e.g. effi ciency of public purchasing, and variables as e.g. availability of relevant information or subjectivity of judgment, that are diffi cult to quantify. Hence, a signifi cant fraction of available information about GTs is not of numerical nature, e.g. if availability of relevant information is decreasing then effi ciency of public purchasing is decreasing as well. Such equationless relations are studied in this paper. A qualitative model of the function F(Goals, Variables) is developed. The model has four goal functions, eight variables, and 39 equationless relations. The model is solved and seven solutions, i.e. scenarios are obtained. All qualitative states, including fi rst and second qualitative derivatives with respect to time, of all variables are specifi ed for each scenario. Any unsteady state behavior of the GT model is described by its transitional oriented graph. There are eight possible transitions among seven scenarios. No a priori knowledge of qualitative modeling is required on the reader's part. government tenders, decision making, multidimensional, scenarios, qualitative model