The role of electrostatic interactions in stabilization of the thrombin-hirudin complex has been investigated by means of two macroscopic approaches: the modified Tanford-Kirkwood model and the finite-difference method for numerical solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equations. The electrostatic potentials around the thrombin and hirudin molecules were asymmetric and complementary, and it is suggested that these fields influence the initial orientation in the process of the complex formation. The change of the electrostatic binding energy due to mutation of acidic residues in hirudin has been calculated and compared with experimentally determined changes in binding energy. In general, the change in electrostatic binding energy for a particular mutation calculated by the modified Tanford-Kirkwood approach agreed well with the experimentally observed change. The finitedifference approach tended to overestimate changes in binding energy when the mutated residues were involved in short-range electrostatic interactions. Decreases in binding energy caused by mutations of amino acids that do not make any direct ionic interactions (e.g., Glu 61 and Glu 62 of hirudin) can be explained in terms of the interaction of these charges with the positive electrostatic potential of thrombin. Differences between the calculated and observed changes in binding energy are discussed in terms of the crystal structure of the thrombin-hirudin complex.Keywords: electrostatic interactions; hirudin; protein-protein interactions; thrombin Thrombin is a serine protease that plays a central role in blood coagulation. It cleaves fibrinogen to yield fibrin monomers that form the basis of the blood clot. In addition, thrombin activates a number of other proteins involved in coagulation. Thrombin can be distinguished from other serine proteases, such as trypsin, in that it achieves its specificity by using binding sites, called exosites, that are distant from the catalytic center (Fenton, 1988). The crystal structures of thrombin (Bode et al., 1989(Bode et al., , 1992 and its complexes with the polypeptide inhibitor hirudin (Kinemage 1; Griitter et al., 1990;Rydel et al., 1990Rydel et al., , 1991 cleft of thrombin, the C-terminal region binds to a positively charged surface groove called the fibrinogen-recognition exosite. The C-terminal region of recombinant hirudin (rhir) between residues 55 and 65 contains five negatively charged residues, and results from studies using site-directed mutagenesis indicate that each of these negatively charged residues (Asp 55: Glu 57: Glu 58: Glu 61', and Glu 62') contributes to the stabilization of the complex (Braun et al., 1988a;Betz et al., 1991). In addition, the effect of ionic strength on the interaction between thrombin and hirudin suggests that electrostatic interactions with the C-terminal region of hirudin are important for the rate of complex formation and the stability of the complex (Stone et al., 1989). However, although protein engineering studies indicate that each of the negatively char...