approximately 4 million tons each. Although interchangeable, each one of these oils has specific characteristics that makes it more or less appropriate depending on its final use [12]. While the supply of vegetable oils is large, each of these oils have specific characteristics that make them more or less suitable for use as a biofuel [12]. The restriction on the use of soy for biodiesel is compared to the low oil content in their grains. The oil yield per hectare of soybean, considering an average oil content of 20% and within the grain yield per area of 400 to 800 kg in a crop that produces 2000 to 4000 kg / ha, respectively [21]. The yield of soybean is around 2.8 to 2.95 t / ha. According to the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture United States) for the 2010/2011 harvest, the estimate of global soybean production was of 256.1 million tons (Table 1), down 1.46% compared to 259.89 million tons produced in 2009/2010. Likewise, the global consumption of 2010/2011 was estimated at 255.284.000 tons, an increase of 7.5% compared to 237.430.000 tons achieved in the previous crop. Still, world ending stocks of the product in 2010/2011 will be at 58.21 million tons, 3.26% below the world ending stocks of previous crop (2009/2010) of 60.17 million tons. Country Harvested Area (Million Hectares) Production (1000 MT