“…In 1954, Hagstrum postulated that a rare-gas metastable atom incident on a metal surface would be deexcited to the ground state via resonance ionization (RI) followed by Auger neutralization (AN) 91 (see section III.B.1). After some controversy on the possibility of direct Auger deexcitation (AD) or Penning ionization (PI), ,− ,− it is now well-established that Hagstrum's prediction is correct, namely, the RI+AN process operates predominantly on clean Fe(110), Ni(100), Ni(110), , Ni(111), , Cu(100), , Cu(110), ,, Mo(110), , Pd(100), Pd(110), ,, Pd(111), ,,, Ru(0001), Ag(100), Ag(110), Pt(111), W(110), and Au(100) surfaces. As described in section III, the AN process produces two holes in the valence bands and therefore the analysis of data is not so direct as in the case of the PI process.…”