The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency are changing their perception of dredged material, from a byproduct of the dredging process to a valuable resource. The negative perception of navigation dredged material is codified under the 1972 Clean Water Act Section 502, which specifically defines "dredge spoils" as a pollutant, along with solid waste, sewage, and garbage. However, navigation dredged material is typically a mixture of sand, silt, clay, and possibly gravel. These sediments resources are critical to controlling flood risks and providing environmental benefits. This document provides details regarding the use of dredged material to support NNBF through strategic placement. Strategic placement is the process of placing sediment at one location with the expectation that hydrodynamic and possibly aerodynamic forces will transport specified classes of that sediment to desired locations. Strategic placement is a beneficial use option that may have less negative impact on the final receptor sites and often can be performed at a reduced cost when compared to direct placement (such as beach nourishment). Cost controls are critical to developing sustainable dredged sediment management plans that address the Federal Standard, which guides the disposal and placement of dredged material.