© Trakya Üniversitesi T p Fakültesi Dergisi. AVES Yay nc l k taraf ndan bas lm t r. Her hakk sakl d r. © Medical Journal of Trakya University. Published by AVES Publishing. All rights reserved.
Evaluation of Terbinafine Activity onObjective: The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis thThis study was planned to investigate the antipneumocystis activity of terbinafine in a rat model.
Material and Methods: Rats were obtained from the Hakan Çetinsaya Experimental and Clinical ResearchInstitutions, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey. Terbinafine administered orally in doses of 40, 80, 120 and 160 mg/kg/day after nine weeks of immunosuppression with dexamethasone to facilitate the development of acute Pneumocystis carinii penumoniae (PCP).Results: Untreated animals showed P. carinii infection levels with a mean (±standard deviation) log number of cysts per gram of lung tissue of 4.6±1.6 at the end of the experiment. Terbinafine administered at a dose of 160 mg/kg/day significantly reduced the log number of cysts per gram to 2.2±1.5. The therapeutic efficacy of terbinafine administered at 160 mg/kg/day (log 2.2±1.5 cysts/lung) was similar to that obtained with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX), 50/250 mg/kg/ day (p<0.001). A reduction in the number of cysts was also observed in infected animals treated with 80, and 120 mg of terbinafine/kg/day, although the results were not statistically significant (p>0.05).
Conclusion:In our model, the efficacy of terbinafine in PCP has been found to be dose dependent.Key words: Pneumocystis carinii; rat; terbinafine.Amaç: Bu çal ma rat modelinde terbinafinin antiPneumocystis aktivitesini belirlemek için planlanm t r.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Ratlar Erciyes ÜniversitesiDeneysel ve Klinik Ara t rma Merkezin'den sa lanm t r. Dokuz hafta boyunca akut Pneumocystis carinii pnömo-nisi (PCP) olu turmak üzere, deksamethazon ile immün-süpresyon yap lan ratlara oral olarak 40, 80, 120 ve 160 mg/kg/gün terbinafin verildi.Bulgular: Çal man n sonunda tedavi almayan grupda PCP enfeksiyon düzeyi ortalama (±standart sapma) akci er dokusu gram ndaki kist say s log 4.6±1.6 idi. Terbinafin 160mg/kg/gün uygulanan grupta gramdaki kist say s nda önemli dü ü gözlendi log 2.2±1.5. Terbinafin 160mg/kg/gün uygulanan tedavi etkinli i, trimetoprim-sulfametoksazol (TMP-SMX), 50/250 mg/ kg/gün uygulamas ile benzer sonuç verdi (p<0.001).Terbinafin 80 ve 120 mg/kg/gün uygulamalar nda da kist say s nda dü ü görülmekle birlikte bu de erler istatistiksel olarak anlaml de ildi (p>0.05).Sonuç: Bizim modelimizde terbinafinin PCP etkinli i doza ba l bulundu.Anahtar sözcükler: Pneumocystis carinii; rat modeli; terbinafin.