In our study, a system of seven natural terraces interspersed with six field belts situated at the Knínice locality (the Ore Mts., North-West Bohemia) was selected as the experimental catchment area. Overland flow was computed using two different methods: the kinematic wave method and the SCS dimensionless Unit hydrograph (UH). For the kinematic wave method calculations the KINFIL software was used; for SCS dimensionless hydrograph the HEC-HMS software was applied. The results compare hydrographs with N-year recurrence of rainfall-runoff time, where N = 10, 20, 50, and 100 years. The comparison provides hydraulic results with terraces and without terraces computed using both mentioned software products. Although two different methods of overland flow computation were performed, the input data obtained from geodetic and hydrological measurements were identical. Results of the comparison are presented and discussed.