Effects of chemical composition and heat treatment on the microstructures and mechanical properties were investigated with automated ball-indentation tests, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. In this work, the automated ball-indentation (ABI) technique was compared with the standard mechanical tests. The ABI method is based on load-controlled multiple indentations into a polished surface by a spherical indenter. The indentation depth is progressively increased to the specified maximum limit with intermediate partial unloading. This technique allows us to measure the yield strength, the stress-strain curve, the strength coefficient and the strain-hardening exponent. For all the test materials and conditions, the ABI-derived results were in very good agreement with those obtained with conventional standard test methods. We analyzed the effect of heat treatment on the alloys with different chemical compositions. Heat treatment leads to changes in the mechanical properties of the alloys, which are the results of several processes. Keywords: Al-alloys, heat treatment, tensile strength, yield strength, ABI hardness test Vpliv kemijske sestave in toplotne obdelave na mikrostrukturo in mehanske lastnosti je bil preiskovan z avtomatiziranim preizkusom trdote z vtiskovanjem kroglice, z vrsti~no in presevno elektronsko mikroskopijo in energijsko disperzijsko rentgensko spektroskopijo. V tem delu je bila tehnika avtomatskega vtiskovanja kroglice (ABI) primerjana s standardnimi mehanskimi preizkusi. ABI metoda temelji na kontrolirani obte`itvi pri ve~kratnem vtiskovanju krogli~nega telesa v polirano povr{ino. Globina vtiskovanja postopoma nara{~a do maksimalne dolo~ene globine z vmesnimi razbremenitvami. Ta tehnika omogo~a merjenje meje te~enja, krivulje raztezek-obremenitev, koeficienta trdnosti in eksponenta napetostnega utrjevanja. Za vse preizku{ane materiale in pogoje, so se dobljeni ABI rezultati dobro ujemali z rezultati dobljenimi iz obi~ajnih metod preizku{anja. Preu~evan je bil vpliv toplotne obdelave na zlitine z razli~no kemijsko sestavo. Toplotna obdelava povzro~i spremembo mehanskih lastnosti zlitin, kar je posledica ve~ih procesov.