The present results are the effect of bioprospecting of an appropriate medium, which could optimize the quality and quantity of the microalga Pseudopiediastrum boryanum var. longicorne Reinsch biomass cultured in a laboratory photobioreactor for biosorption purposes. Four liquid media commonly used for cultivation of green algae of the genus Pediastrum were compared, including Knop's, Waris-H, Chu's and L-S2T2 media, which differed with respect to the composition and concentration of nutrients. A number of the parameters characterizing biomass growth, namely dry weight, optical density, chlorophyll a concentration, as well as morphological parameters characterizing the condition of the alga and its surface area indicating the potential sorption capacity (population structure, cell number, coenobium size and marginal cell size), showed a significant impact of culture medium on the growth of the microalga. The most productive culture was found in the L-S2T2 medium containing organic substances in the form of peat and soil extracts, which could be crucial for biomass production and the area of potential sorption capacity. P < 0.001), L-S2T2 and Chu's ( c P < 0.05), L-S2T2 and Waris-H ( b P < 0.05, bb P < 0.01, bbb P < 0.001), Chu's and Knop's ( d P < 0.05, dd P < 0.01).