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Łukasz Fiedkiewicz ireneusz PielechAAssessment of possible use of the ionizAtion signAl for the combustion process diAgnostics in A spArk-ignition combustion engine powered by nAturAl gAs ocenA możliwości wykorzystAniA sygnAłu jonizAcji do diAgnostyki procesu spAlAniA w silniku spAlinowym o zApłonie iskrowym zAsilAnym gAzem ziemnym*The ionization signal, which is a result the presence of ions and electrons in the cylinder space of the internal combustion engine, is affected by many factors, including: temperature, pressure, fuel mixture composition, fuel type, presence of exhaust gases and others. The shape of the signal changes to a large extent from cycle to cycle, which indicates the stochastics of the combustion process. Nevertheless, its analysis provides a lot of useful information, such as the location of the maximum pressure or the maximum heat release rate. Using these signals allows supplementing the limited engine control systems of the combustion process in internal combustion engines. The paper presents a comparative analysis of the gas ionization current signal in the cylinder and the variable pressure at fixed operating points of a single-cylinder, four-stroke engine powered by natural gas. The analysis allowed to determine the relationship between the positions of the maximum thermal ionization signal value and of the maximum combustion pressure value. Additionally the relationship between the position of the maximum thermal fraction derivative and the maximum heat release rate was established.