the effect of polycarboxylate superplasticizer on thermal stability and the kinetic thermal decomposition of oPc without and with 1.0 and 1.5% wt% plasticizer has been studied at temperature range of 30-1000 o c. the study was done by means of thermogravimetry (tG) technique under non-isothermal condition at a heating rate of 10 k/min. the results showed that the decomposition occurs for the superplasticized and neat oPc paste in three steps. the neat oPc was found to decompose at higher temperatures than those for the superplasticized paste. the kinetic parameters for each one of the decomposition steps were calculated through four calculation methods and the kinetic mechanisms were determined from the thermal data analysis using 35 solid state reaction models. the results showed that the mechanisms of decomposition steps depend on the percentage of the superplasticizer added to the paste. the thermodynamic parameters ΔS # , Δh # and ΔG # were also computed and discussed. keywords: Hydration kinetics, ordinary Portland cement oPc, thermogravimetric analysis tGA Prof. dr. elshafie A. GAd Professor of Petrochemicals. my interests are surfactants applications, QsPr, computational chemistry and recently solid state kinetics. dr. Amr osman hAbib received his and Ph.D from Ain shams university, cairo, egypt. He is currently a lecturer at Faculty of engineering, Ain shams university. He is a member of technology of Building materials and Pore structure of solids unit, (r & D unit), Faculty of science, Ain shams university, and member of the engineering consultants centre, Faculty of engineering, Ain shams university. Prof. dr. emeritus, mahmoud m. mouSA, Faculty of science, Benha university, his interests are treatment of industrial solid wastes, renal function studies, iminodiacetic Acid Analog, nanomaterials application and solid state kinetics.