Trace concentrations of nine metallic impurities have been determined simultaneously in high purity niobium by a nondestructive technique based on irradiation of the sample with 12-MeV protons and observation of both theand Xrays from the reaction products with a Ge(Li) and a germanium low energy detector, respectively. The activation of the trace elements is based on (p,n) reactions. The elements determined are: Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Zr, Mo, Hf, Ta, and W. Three other elements, i.e., Pd, Sn and Sb, could have been determined with high sensitivities if at all present. For Ti, V, Fe, Zr, and Mo, this method is more sensitive than other techniques which have been applied to the determination of these elements in niobium excluding solid mass spectrography. Detailed data on possible interferences, precision, and limits of detection are given.Niobium has several special properties enabling its extensive application in various scientific and industrial fields. In the center of interest is the superconductivity exhibited by niobium and its compounds (1). Among the transition elements, the maximum transition temperature occurs for niobium (9.5 °K). Niobium compounds and/or solid solutions, e.g., Nb3Ge, Nb3(Ge,Al), Nb3Sn, Nb-Zr, and Nb-Ti, have become technologically the most important superconducting materials. The highest known superconducting transition temperature, Tc = 22.3 °K for Nb3Ge, was announced recently (2).Because of its suitable nuclear properties, niobium metal finds application as an end-plug in fuel elements for nuclear reactors (3). Niobium is widely used to impart special properties to alloys with regard to their corrosion and fracture resistance, hardness, fabricability, ductility, etc. Many