Objectives: The aim of this study was to prospectively evaluate the initial application and value of prospective electrocardiogram (ECG)-triggered dual-source CT coronary angiography (DSCTCA) in the diagnosis of infants and children with coronary artery aneurysms due to Kawasaki disease. Methods: 19 children [12 males; mean age 13.47 months, range 3 months to 5 years; mean heart rate 112 beats per minute (bpm), range 83-141 bpm] underwent prospective ECG-triggered DSCTCA with free breathing. Subjective image quality was assessed on a five-point scale (1, excellent; 5, non-diagnostic) by two blinded observers. The location, number and size of each aneurysm were observed and compared with those of transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) performed within 1 week. Interobserver agreement concerning the subjective image quality was evaluated with Cohen's k-test. Bland-Altman analysis was used to evaluate the agreement on measurements (diameter and length of aneurysms) between DSCTCA and TTE. The average effective dose required for DSCTCA was calculated for all children. Results: All interobserver agreement for subjective image quality assessment was excellent (k50.87). The mean¡standard deviation (SD) aneurysm diameter with DSCTCA was 0.76¡0.36 cm and with TTE was 0.76¡0.39 cm. The mean¡SD aneurysm length with DSCTCA was 2.06¡1.35 cm and with TTE was 2.00¡1.22 cm. The BlandAltman plot for agreement between DSCTCA and TTE measurements showed good agreement. The mean effective dose was 0.36¡0.06 mSv. Conclusion: As an alternative diagnostic modality, prospective ECG-triggered DSCTCA with excellent image quality and low radiation exposure has been proved useful for diagnosing infants and children with coronary artery aneurysms due to Kawasaki disease. Advances in knowledge: Prospective ECG-triggered DSCTCA for infants and children allows rapid, accurate assessment of coronary aneurysms due to Kawasaki diseases, compared with TTE.