This study is aimed at investigating the status of applying technology in car parking facilities. It also examines the factors affecting the deployment of these technologies as they improve the efficiency and convenience of car parking facilities amidst changing transport needs in Asian smart cities. Design/methodology/approach: A comprehensive literature review informs the relationships between car park provisions and the traffic congestion problem. A typology covering different technological solutions is then formulated. The factors affecting the use of two such common technologies (i.e., mechanical car parks and intelligent information systems) are examined in two emerging smart cities in Asia, with the aid of a desk-top study for Singapore and a survey covering over 600 samples (including users and non-users, since both groups are important to derive influencing factors) in Hong Kong. Findings: The extent to which mechanical car parks may help relieve the space shortage problem depends on their relative costs and the facility management performance. For real time vacancy information systems, their wide spread use depends on drivers' age and past parking experience. Research limitations/implications: Due to geographical constraints, only two Asian cities (Singapore and Hong Kong), where the use of smart technologies is flourishing, are included in the study. The survey on car parking apps is preliminary due to their relative short deployment in Asia. It is expected that the phenomena will quickly spread in the region as more smart cities are developed. Originality/Value: By expounding on the development of modern parking technologies in smart cities, the important influence of car parks as a strategic facility towards solving traffic congestion and environmental problems is brought to the attention of policy makers, in particular the influencing factors affecting strategies to promote the use of parking apps.