The Japanese Ministry of Education (MEXT) proposed the teaching English in English (TEE) policy in junior high schools (JHSs) in 2013. According to the new Course of Study (MEXT, 2017), JHS English teachers will be required to teach English in English starting in 2021. A study of JHS English teachers' reactions to the new policy is reported in this paper. Participants included 98 public JHS English teachers (31 males and 67 females) in the northeast region of Japan. Teachers' responses to the policy were investigated using the Teacher Foreign Language Anxiety Scale (TFLAS; Horwitz, 2013), a background questionnaire, class observations, and individual interviews. Due to JHS teachers' lack of confidence in using English for instruction and concern over students' possible struggles in learning, teachers were anxious about TEE. In addition, many teachers wanted practical training opportunities to develop their English communication skills to be ready for successful policy implementation. 文部科学省は2013年に、 中学校でも英語の授業を英語で行う方針 (TEE: Teaching English in English) を打ち出した。そして、 2017年に改訂された新しい中学校学習指導要領では、 2021年 からの英語による指導が義務付けられた。 本研究は、 英語の授業を英語で行う方針に対する中 学校英語教師の反応を調査したものである。 東北地方の公立中学校英語教師98名 (男性31名、 女性67名) が本研究に参加した。 調査にあたっては、 教師外国語不安スケール (Horwitz, 2013) 、 質問紙、 授業観察、 インタビューの手法を活用した。 その結果、 中学校英語教師は英語を使った 指導に対する自信のなさや、 生徒の英語学習が困難になるかもしれないという思いから、 英語 JALT Journal, 41.1 • May 2019 による指導に不安を感じていることが分かった。 さらに、 多くの教師はTEEが滞りなく実施される ためにも、 教師自身の英語によるコミュニケーション能力を伸ばす実践的な研修の機会の充実 を望んでいた。 Keywords: English education policy; junior high school teachers; foreign language anxiety; teaching English in EnglishE nglish education in Japan has been further advanced toward English for communication since the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) published the Course of Study in 2008. This national educational guideline has been published approximately once every 10 years, and it is almost always controversial in terms of the feasibility of goal attainment (Kikuchi & Browne, 2009). The 2008 Course of Study announced the implementation of English education at the elementary school (ES) level and teaching English in English (TEE) at the senior high school (SHS) level. Soon after the 2008 publication, MEXT (2013) proposed the further development of English education at every school level by releasing its English education reform plan, declaring that "classes will be conducted in English in principle" (p. 1) in junior high schools (JHSs) to develop students' English communicative competence. The government promotes the sequential development of students' English by using English as a medium of instruction at JHSs and SHSs. In 2017, MEXT published a new Course of Study to activate the TEE policy in JHSs in 2021.MEXT (2016) determined how many JHS English teachers currently teach English in English (see Table 1). The data show that over half of JHS English teachers use English for more than half of their utterances during lessons. However, in terms of TEE, the current results suggest that implementation of the policy...