Key words. Convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED), geometric phase analysis (GPA), high-angle annular-dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF STEM), local strain measurement.
SummaryConvergent beam electron diffraction and geometric phase analysis were used to measure strain in the gate channel of a p-type strained silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor. These measurements were made on exactly the same transmission electron microscopy specimen allowing for direct comparison of the relative advantages of each technique. The trends in the strain values show good agreement in both the [110] and [001] directions, but the absolute strain values are offset from each other. This difference in the absolute strain measured using the two techniques is attributed to the way the reference strain is defined for each.Because strained silicon is being used on a highly localized scale to enhance the electrical performance of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) devices (Chidambaram et al., 2004;Thompson et al., 2004), techniques for the quantitative measurement of elastic strain with high spatial resolution are increasingly necessary. Although convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED) and geometric phase analysis (GPA) have been used previously by several groups for these types of measurements (Toda et al., 2001;Hÿtch et al., 2003;Benedetti et al., 2004;Toh et al., 2005;Chung et al., 2008;Hüe et al., 2008), there have been no reports directly comparing the strain measurements from the two techniques for the same device structure. Because there are relative advantages and limitations of these techniques for strain measurement, a direct comparison of these two techniques should provide a better understanding of these. In CBED, a small, convergent probe is used to produce diffraction from both the zero-order and higher-order Laue zones (ZOLZ and HOLZ, respectively). The HOLZ diffraction appears as pairs of lines in the diffraction patterns -rings of excess lines diffracted to a relatively large angle and corresponding deficit lines in the central disk. Because these lines occur due to Bragg diffraction at relatively large angles, their positions are very sensitive to small changes in the crystal lattice. The sensitivity of lattice measurements using this technique can be on the order of 10 −4 . (Twigg et al., 1987;Kramer & Mayer, 1999) However, most silicon-based devices are oriented along 110 directions, and CBED patterns along this direction do not produce HOLZ lines under typically utilized CBED-operating conditions due to the large spacing between planes in the reciprocal lattice along this direction. Therefore, measurements using this technique are performed by tilting away from the 110 axis, typically along the 004 Kikuchi band, resulting in a loss of lateral resolution. This is particularly important as the scale of microelectronic devices continues to decrease. The degree of resolution loss depends on the angle of tilt from the [110] direction, so efforts have been ...