Objectives: When a preschool child is suspected or having a delay in language development, an early intervention via an expert is needed. If teachers, who are capable of observing a large number of children in the course of education for a large-scale peer group, could screen children with suspected language delays, it will increase access to further early language interventions. Thus, this study set out to validate a teacher-reported preliminary inventory for children's language abilities. Methods: The inventory used in this study was based on Dickinson, McCabe, & Sparague (2003) and was revised and supplemented items to measure three subcomponents (language use, reading, and writing) of children's language abilities. The study included 74 4-to 6-year-olds and six teachers. Item quality, interitem consistency, and construct validity were analyzed. For validity testing related to criteria, two speech-language pathologists conducted standardized tests on vocabulary and language and reviewed their correlations with the inventory. Results: The test results of item quality show that the correlation coefficient between sub-constructs (reading and writing) was .849, which led to the combination of the two sub-constructs into one (early literacy). Other analyses generated all proper results, but the criteria validity results show no significant correlations between the sub-constructs of language use and official tests. Conclusion: The teacher-reported inventory for children's language abilities was found to be a good test to measure preschool children's language abilities in Korea. Recognizing a need to revise the content of items of lower discrimination, the study made proposals for their revision.력은 읽기능력의 바탕이 되어 학령기의 읽기능력을 예측하고 학업 성취도와도 밀접한 관련이 있는 것으로 알려져 있다 (Scarborough, 2001). 또한 선행연구에 의하면 이른 시기의 어휘력과 이후 어휘 성 장의 속도는 학령기 읽기발달의 유의한 예측 요인인 것으로 나타났 으며(Song et al., 2015), 학령기 아동들을 대상으로 후향 종단연구 로 아동들의 읽기 등 언어능력의 차이를 초래한 요인을 검토한 연 구에서는 읽기 이해에 어려움이 있는 아동들은 이미 학령전기에 어휘, 문법, 구어 기억 및 음운인식에 어려움이 있었음을 밝혔다 (Elwér et al., 2015). 학령전기는 언어의 모든 영역이 아동의 환경과 상호작용하며 급격하게 발달하는 시기로서, 이 시기에 언어발달이 지연되는 경우 앞으로의 발달 단계에서 그 격차가 더욱 확대되는 매튜 효과(Matthew effect; Stanovich, 1986)를 초래하게 된다. 따라