Inquiry activities are important and challenging in primary science classes since it is not only related to scientific knowledge, but also to scientific literacy. However, with consideration of limited cost and risk issues, most of optical experiments are insufficient to implement in primary schools, so that students should rely on their own imagination to understand abstract concepts without inquiry activities. In this study, a contextual learning approach based on augmented reality (AR) technology was proposed to cope with this problem. A specially developed AR system created a virtual-reality combined environment for students taking an optical inquiry task about rainbow in grade 5. Moreover, a mixed methods research approach was used to analyze understanding about scientific concepts, use of inquiry process skills, and higher order thinking skills of the students who learned with the proposed approach. The experimental results revealed that the learning approach based on AR was able to assist in the construction of understandings about scientific concepts, provide students opportunities to use inquiry process skills, and develop students’ higher order thinking skills. Furthermore, by interviewing the teacher, the benefits and challenges of using this contextual learning approach based on AR were reported. These findings could be valuable references for those who intend to implement contextual inquiry learning activities with AR systems to assist improve students’ scientific literacy effectively.