Medical device technology evolves rapidly, with shorter lifecycles compared to pharmaceuticals. This acceleration necessitates swift safety and efficacy assessments to keep pace with technological advancements. In this context, leveraging clinical data from previous device versions is crucial to reducing enrollment periods and accelerating development, particularly because medical devices often share similar mechanisms. Bayesian Dynamic Borrowing has emerged as an approach that adjusts the weight of historical information based on the congruence between past and new data, enabling unbiased data augmentation.
This study explores the efficiency of a new study design algorithm that combines Bayesian Dynamic Borrowing with Group-Sequential Design theory. A phase 4 clinical trial on a new medical device for the patent foramen ovale closure has been used as motivating example, and 4 past studies on the control device have been used for the prior elicitation. Simulations were conducted under both the assumption of exchangeability (congruent scenarios) and non-exchangeability (incongruent scenarios) between historical and current control data to evaluate the design's operating characteristics.
The proposed algorithm, when tested under the congruent scenarios, demonstrated its ability to reduce the expected new enrolled patients (2,790 vs. 4,848 under H0, and 3,846 vs. 4,848 under H1) while maintaining both Type I error and Power at their nominal values. Additionally, the asymmetric early stopping boundaries allow a high percentage of trials to be stopped under the null hypothesis (71% at the first interim). The simulations under incongruence scenarios demonstrate how the proposed algorithm discounts the prior information and reduces the expected borrowed sample size dropping from 395 to 13 and from 575 to 68 in scenarios with the higher degrees of incongruence, under Null and Alternative hypotheses, respectively.
In summary, this paper underscores the potential advantages of incorporating Bayesian Dynamic Borrowing with Group-Sequential Design within clinical trial design for medical device studies. The proposed method effectively discounts historical data, maintains control over Type I error and Power, and ensures ethical considerations through early stopping boundaries. In addition, this approach offers considerable flexibility through parameter customization, facilitating more effective collaboration between statistical and clinical specialists.