With the rapid expansion of data volume, traditional data storage methods have been unable to meet the practical application requirements of blockchain cloud storage. Aiming for the cloud storage problem of blockchain, a new storage access method for predicting dynamic file load is proposed. By predicting the load status of cloud storage files in advance, the load of each blockchain data node at the next moment is first estimated. A hierarchical genetic algorithm is used to construct the connection weights between the hidden layer and the output layer, which makes the data network converge faster and more accurate, thereby effectively predicting the node load. In addition, based on the file allocation, an evaluation analysis model is constructed to obtain the time response capability of each file during the allocation process. The node's periodic load prediction value is used to calculate the corresponding weight of the node and it is continuously updated, retaining the advantages of the static weighted polling algorithm. Combined with the genetic algorithm to help predict the file assignment access strategy of the later load of each node, it can meet the system requirements under complex load conditions and provide a reasonable and effective cloud storage method. The experimental evaluation of the proposed new strategy and new algorithm verifies that the new storage method has a faster response time, more balanced load, and greatly reduced energy consumption.Electronics 2020, 9, 398 2 of 14 functions. The explosive growth of data volume has led enterprises and individuals to impose strict requirements on the persistence, balance, and availability of data. How to store these huge data quickly, efficiently, and reasonably becomes a blockchain calculation and the top priority of cloud storage technology. Therefore, in order to improve the access speed and accuracy of blockchain storage, while reducing traffic and data transmission, and reducing energy consumption, scholars in related fields have researched and experimented, and have proposed corresponding cloud storage methods and strategies [7,8].Reference [9] proposed a grid-based blockchain storage method. After transferring computing tasks to the corresponding data storage nodes or adjacent nodes, this reduces the pressure on the network and provides new analysis for data processing in various fields. However, there is a problem of large comparison and analysis errors. Reference [10] proposed a method for summing up regular sites according to the weight of each sub data site. Although this method improves the processing efficiency of blockchain data, it has the defect of low robustness. Reference [11] proposed a blockchain parallel storage access strategy based on NAND FLASH. Through the different types of data, feature information is extracted and classified into files to realize parallel cloud storage access. This storage strategy is simple and feasible to implement, but the system is prone to hot spots and thus increases system energy consumption. Reference ...