Implementation of interprofessional education (IPE) across health care disciplines continues to anchor the coordination and integration of a multidisciplinary approach to clinical care. Since publication of the ACCP white paper on IPE in 2009, IPE has received increased attention among health care professional organizations and accrediting bodies and has been the focus of hundreds of new publications. Notable advances include the updated core competencies from the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC), the addition of 14 health care professional organizations representing many different health care professional disciplines to the original six that formed IPEC, and the increased attention given to IPE in the accrediting standards of many health care professions. The present white paper serves as an update to the 2009 ACCP white paper addressing IPE implementation, assessment, barriers, sample practices, and resources. It also proposes several efforts that ACCP could pursue to further promote and implement IPE. K E Y W O R D S clinical pharmacy, education, interdisciplinary, interprofessional, interprofessional education, multidisciplinary, pharmacy practice, teamwork