Water fleas have become a valuable model for ecotoxicity studies due to their ease of cultivation, transparent bodies, and high sensitivity to chemical pollutants. In this study, heart rates in Daphnia magna were examined reflecting the basic behavioral and physiological characteristics when exposed to known toxic chemicals. Crystal violet, ethanol, and formaldehyde, known for their toxicity, were selected due to their different chemical properties. A slow-motion video-based method was organized to measure cardiovascular performance by evaluating the heart rates in water fleas. Data for important parameters like heart rates, body reactions, and heart contraction were extracted from video recordings and mathematical calculations. The results of study were quite remarkable. It was found that crystal violet increased the heart rates of Daphnia magna (489±14.19) more significantly than ethanol (450±40.67) and formaldehyde (445±48.21). Compared to the control group, formaldehyde caused a 28.51% increase in the heart rates of daphnids, while exposure to ethanol (30.54%) and crystal violet (35.89%) resulted in a lower increase in the heart rates of daphnids. Using these cardiovascular parameters, the potential effects of excitatory and toxic chemical solutions on water fleas were accurately measured. Daphnia magna was identified as having the strongest heart rates and is deemed suitable for ecotoxicity assessment. The result of exposure to all three chemicals was an increase in the organism’s heart rates during short-term exposures, while long-term exposures could lead to toxic effects, causing fatalities.