We demonstrate 10-Gb/s transmission over more than 130 km of G.652 fiber using a simple directly modulated distributed feedback (DFB) laser and a new “chirp-managed” approach based on a low-complexity coherent receiver. The “chirp-managed” effect, which has been obtained in the past by optical spectral reshaping, is conveniently achieved here by means of simple electrical filtering of the received signal at the intermediate frequency. Due to coherent detection, the receiver sensitivity was -38 dBm at bit error rate (BER) 1/4 1.8 χ 10-3. No colored filters and no dispersion compensation (optical or digital signal processing (DSP)-based) were used at the receiver side. We show that the coherent system presented here, based on off-the-shelf components, is robust against variations of DFB chirp, local oscillator detuning, and electrical filter bandwidth over ranges wide enough to guarantee a simple and cost-effective implementation for 10-Gb/s long-reach passive optical network applications